Copyright 2012 ValuePoint Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Optimizing Controller Performance
The Controller 3560 is designed to satisfy multiple network configurations and business
models. If you are deploying the Controller in a high stress public environment where
you will be using authentication, login redirect, Auto-IP, Auto-Proxy and other
sophisticated features you can maximize the performance of the Controller by simplifying
the WAN connection and providing a
Static IP Address
. This can be done with a Static
IP Address from your ISP or by adding an inexpensive Gateway/Router to the Network to
handle PPPoE or WAN side DHCP.
Auto-IP, Auto-Proxy, VPN Tunnels,
Subscriber Connection Logging
also consume significant resources, so disable these if
subscribers do not need them.
You can also increase performance by adding a second Controller and using Dual WAN
Load Balancing.