IMI 9.101 E 02.17
Adjustment of upper level switch on POP-S and PPO-14 till DN80:
1. Tighten up screw nr.18A - decrease maximum level.
2. Untighten the screw nr.18A - increase maximum level.
Adjustment of lower level switch on POP-S and PPO-14 till DN80:
1. Tighten up screw nr.18C - increase lower level
2. Untighten the screw nr.18C - decrease lower level
How to replace Inlet/Outlet valves on PPA-14:
1. With the float at the lowest position remove the bolts Nr.21 and disassemble the support Nr.15.
2. The valve set is supplied duly calibrated from the factory. Do not unscrew the nuts Nr.17 and 19.
After replacing the valves and support, make sure that the mechanism is working correctly by manually
operating the float.