A nut and olive are provided for an 8mm pipe inlet connection to the ‘T’ connector at
the bottom front of the appliance. The ‘T’ connector can be rotated to allow a
connection from any direction. The ‘T’ connector includes a valve for isolating the gas
supply and a pressure test point.The ‘T’ connector should be fitted to the supply pipe at
this stage. The supply pipe must be rigid material. Flexible pipe must not be used.
7.1 Concealed Supply Pipe Connection
If a concealed connection from inside the fireplace is required then,
before the
appliance is fitted into the fireplace
it will be necessary to extend the supply line so
that it will project through the sealed opening at the back of the convection box (near
the left side) and run to the ‘T’ Connector at the front
The pipe run from the supply line up to the rear opening in the convection box must be
kept clear of the area which will be taken by the convection box when it is installed. A
template is supplied to aid the installation of the pipe run.
We recommend the following method for installing with a concealed supply pipe:
Cut the template to the shape shown by the "Debris catchment area". Note that the
areas are different for fireplaces with conventional brick flues and precast flues.
Place the template on the fireplace floor (printed side upward) with the front line
level with the front surface of the fireplace. The centre line of the template should line
up with the centre of the fireplace. Tape the template securely in this position.
Make sure that the fireplace is clear of all material over the full area covered by the
template including that marked "Debris catchment area".
Install the supply pipe to run through the thick line marked "Supply pipe entry" and
up to the inlet ‘T’connector position. Note that the centre of the appliance inlet ‘T’
connector is 30mm above the fireplace floor. The inlet elbow should be removed from
the appliance and fitted to the supply pipe at this stage. Remove the template.
Note: If
the supply pipe connection is to be from the right side, keep the template, It will be
useful for bending the pipe later on (See section 9).
7.2 Side Supply Pipe Connection
The appliance is designed to allow a side supply pipe to run in front of the front
surround and through a cut- out at either rear bottom corner of the fire front casting. For
side connection, final installation of the supply pipe should be left until the appliance is
installed in the fireplace. For a right side connection the pipe will have to be formed to
clear the burner unit mechanism.
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