Lighting the pilot.
Please note: The fire must be lit manually.
Ensure that the pilot burner control knob is in the OFF position (Number 1 in figure
Depress the pilot burner control knob and turn anti-clockwise to the ignition position
(Number 2 in figure 2) to
activate the piezo ignition
system. A 'click' will be heard
and the pilot should light.
Observe if it is alight by
looking through the slots to
the left hand end of the front
coals. If the pilot does not light
immediately, repeat the above
procedure, keeping the knob
depressed for several
seconds in order to purge any
air from the system.
If after ten seconds, ignition
has not occurred, turn the
control knob back to the OFF
position. Wait 30 seconds and
then repeat the ignition
When the pilot is alight keep the knob depressed for ten seconds to allow the pilot
flame to stabilise.
Release the knob. When the knob is released, the pilot should remain alight. If the
pilot fails to remain alight, repeat the ignition procedure, this time keeping the knob
depressed for a longer period of time.
Heat settings.
Once the pilot light is established, light the main burner by turning the pilot burner
control knob anti-clockwise to the "main burner on" position (Number 3 in figure 2),
and by then turning the main burner control knob to the high position (Number 5 in
figure 2).
Check the full range of heat settings by turning the main burner control knob slowly
between the high position and the low position (Number 4 in figure 2).
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Baxi Heating U.K. Limited 2007.
Figure 2. Appliance manual controls.