Valon Technology 5009 Operations Manual – Version 1.36
Page 28
Source <1|2; STOP <F> <U>
Sweep Stop frequency. Example:
Source2;[Frequency]; STOP 2400M
Source <1|2>; STEP <F> <U>
Number of frequency points. Minimum number of steps 2 and the maximum 2001.
Source <1|2>; SINC <F> <U>
Sweep increment frequency step size. (not to exceed the stop accumulated error)
Source <1|2>; RATE<ms>
Sweep step rate in milliseconds . Step rates of 10ms to 200ms are typically optimum.
Source <1|2>; Run [0|1|2|3
Sweeping begins with a Run command. The RUN command followed with no parameters starts
the sweep of the active source. RUN 1 starts the sweep of source 1, 2 source 2, and 3 both
Source <1|2>; Halt
Sweeping stops with the Halt command. The HALT command followed with no parameters stops
the sweep of the active source. HALT 1 stops the sweep of source 1, 2 source 2, and 3 both
Source <1|2>; TMODe <AUT0|MANual|EXTermal|EXTstep>
Three sweep trigger mode (TMOD) options are available. Auto trigger is a continuous, free-
running mode where the trigger is supplied by the internal controller. Manual trigger is a single-
sweep mode occurring once with every TRG command. External trigger is provided by a positive
edge on pin-6 of the USER PORT connector. EXTernal trigger will trigger one sweep for every
trigger input. EXTstep increments the frequency by the value of the STEP.
Setting the MODe to CW or LIST will disable the SWEep mode.
This command must be sent to start the sweep in Manual mode. One sweep will occur each
time the command is sent.
RetraceTIME ; <ms>
Retrace time or RTIME allows the user to set a dwell interval of 0ms to over 100 seconds before
the start of a new sweep.