VOL Range
When the built in expression pedal is o , it continues to work
as a volume pedal. Under the VOL Range option, you can set
the volume pedal range and sweep curve. Just like in the EXP
Range section, MIN and MAX represent the lowest/highest
volume range value respectively.
The MIN and MAX range is 0-100, and the MIN value can be
greater than the MAX value.
In this menu you can set the position of the volume pedal in the e ects chain. PRE means that the
volume pedal is at the front of the e ects chain (before the input level), and POST means that the
volume pedal is at the end of the e ects chain (before the master volume).
The Calibrate option helps you calibrate your expression
pedal. It is important to calibrate the expression pedal if you
find the sweep has very little or too much change in the e ect
you’ve set.
Press the PARA button to enter the Calibrate menu.
Bring the pedal all the way up (back) and press the PARA
button to select Next.
Then press the pedal all the way down (forward) and press the
PARA button to select Next.