© 2018 Valeport Ltd
Output Format
Page 11
5. Output Format
Real time data follows the format described below.
Use #091 to control whether the instrument starts sampling as soon as power is applied or waits a for
10.351 21.488 1506.739
The data separator is a space (this may be altered if required)
Leading and trailing spaces are enabled. (this can be altered if required)
Data is presented in the order:
Sound Velocity
Pressure data format is dependent on sensor range, and may be any of the following. Leading
zeroes are included, so it is a fixed length string:
PPPP.P (e.g. 0123.4 dBar)
PPP.PP (e.g. 012.34 dBar)
PP.PPP (e.g. 12.345 dBar)
The temperature data is given to 3 decimal places. Value is in °C and leading zeroes are included;
signed if negative:
Sound Velocity is given in m/s, as a fixed length string with 3 decimal places. In air, the sensor
reads 0000.000