Description of Safety Devices
Flame Monitor
This automatically extinguishes the flame when ignition fails or flame
goes out during the operation. This monitor, when it detects any irregu-
larity before ignition, automatically extinguishes the flame.
Operating condition
: Misfire lamp is lit and Post-Purge continues for three (3)
Electric Overload
System (Fuse)
This shuts off the power supply when excessive electric current passes
through, due to irregular trouble of the devices.
Operating condition
: The whole operation stops.
Tip-over Switch
Automatically extinguishes the flame when motion or an impact is de-
tected during operation.
Operating condition
: Misfire lamp lights and the post purge sequence
will run for about 3 minutes if the heater is in operation.
Fuel Preheater
This Fuel Preheater warms the fuel up to prevent its viscosity from rising.
This starts to operate at the time of plugged-in.
Anomaly detection
system for fan motor
This automatically extinguishes the flame when some errors are detected in fan
motor such as cable disconnection or fan clogging.
How to use
3-1. Preparation for operation
Please use “kerosene” or “Fuel-Oil no heavier than No.2 (Diesel)” and do not use poor quality or foul fuel, to help avoid
ignition, operating, and other problems.
Never use highly flammable fuel like gasoline, to avoid fire.
Never contaminate or mix fuels. For example, never contaminate kerosene with gaso-
line by using a gasoline container to carry kerosene. Even a small amount of gasoline,
or other volatile fuels, in kerosene is hazardous. Store kerosene only in containers spe-
cifically labeled and approved for kerosene and do not use the container for any other
fuels or chemicals.
Please refuel only while the heater is turned off and completely extinguished.
Use only the electric power (voltage and frequency) specified on the model plate of the
heater to operate the heater. Using electrical power different from the specifications
may result in fire, electrical shock, and/or damage.
Please confirm the ground/earth cable is properly connected, to prevent electrical shock.
• When disconnecting the electric power cord, be sure to always pull the plug out by it-
self. Do not pull out the plug by pulling on the power cord. Also, do not allow or cause
excessive force to be exerted on the cord at any time to avoid damaging it and causing
a fire or shock hazard. The heater should not be operated with the power cord in a taut
or tightened position to further avoid damage to the cord, accidental unplugging of the
electricity, and fire and/or shock.