List of figures
Optional mounting flange 210696 dimensions....................................... 17
Installing HMP9 probe head through a cable gland..............................22
M12 5-pin A-coded male connector pinout............................................. 25
HMP7 attached to Indigo 200 series transmitter....................................31
HMP7 attached to Indigo 200 series transmitter with a cable...........32
Attaching the probe to Indigo 200 series transmitter......................... 33
HMP3 probe head with filter removed......................................................38
HMP3 temperature measurement accuracy over full range...............50
HMP4 temperature measurement accuracy over full range............... 53
HMP5 temperature measurement accuracy over full range............... 56
HMP7 temperature measurement accuracy over full range............... 59
HMP8 temperature measurement accuracy over full range............... 62
List of figures
陕西威瑞仪器仪表有限公司 生产代理销售:实验检测设备 气象科学仪器设备
Tel:029-88186182 Web:www.xavery.cn Email:[email protected]