Instructions and settings
01.05.2015 1
2.12 Adjusting the height of outer discs
Figure 2.21
To prevent the implement from leaving trailing lea lines, the height and lateral direction of the out-
ermost disc on each side can be adjusted. Choose a setting that suits the working depth, soil type,
Adjust the height of the disc by undoing the nuts and pulling out the bolts (A). Select a track po-
sition. Refit the bolts and nuts.
Adjust the lateral position of the disc by undoing the nuts (B) and moving the entire disc arm (in-
cluding rubber bars) sideways. Tighten the nuts.
2.13 Levelling unit (optional extra)
Figure 2.22
A levelling unit may be fitted to the rear of the implement between the roller sections. The unit is
made up of a rubber rod that levels out earth banks that may form under certain conditions. The
levelling unit can be height adjusted. To adjust, loosen the screw clamp (A) and move the bar up
or down.