Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users’ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999164 / 19/05/2009
page 28 of 75
The controller CVC 3000 can be adapted to the specific application by choosing the appropriate function
depending on the connected components and the requirements of the application.
Automatic detection of the components
When switching on the controller the actual configuration of the connected components is checked
Connected components
(pump NT VARIO / VARIO-B, VSK 3000, valves) are
detected automatically
and used and supervised until the controller is switched off. Switch off/on the controller to renew the
The last mode of operation and the preselected values (e. g. for pressure, speed or time for switching
off) are stored.
In case of similar operation conditions it is possible to start immediately, if the preselections are chosen
The controller features
five functions and one configuration menu
, see section ”Menu guide”. Each
of these functions includes specific preselection possibilities and is adapted automatically with regard to
the connected components.
Depending on the connected components (e.g. valves) some menu items might not be active!
Changing the function:
Switch controller on.
Press START/STOP to terminate control in case control is running.
Press key MODE.
Select function with knob and press to confirm.
Depending on the selected function the controller controls different components:
’’Pump down’’
• NT VARIO/VARIO-B pump depending on pressure and time preselections with continuous speed control
• Coolant valve
”Vac control”
• NT VARIO / VARIO-B pump with pinpoint precision according to pressure preselection
• Coolant valve
”Auto mode”
• NT VARIO / VARIO-B pump with pinpoint precision with fully automatic boiling point determination
and adaptation
• Coolant valve
• Pump depending on pressure and time preselections or ”Auto mode”
• Coolant valve
• Venting valve
• NT VARIO/VARIO-B pump depending on pressure and time preselections with continuous speed control
• Coolant valve
Preselections for
• Adjustment of the pressure transducer
• Interface RS-232
• Sensors (configuration and switching between several sensors)
• Display (brightness and contrast of the display, language, sound)
• Autostart (automatic restart after power failure)
• Defaults (Resetting the controller is to factory set values)
The menu ”Configuration” is also accessible by pressing the selection knob while the start display is
Notes on selecting the function