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Congratulations for choosing Vacon NX Inverters!
The User's Manual will provide you with the necessary information about the installation,
commissioning and operation of Vacon NX Inverters. We recommend that you carefully study these
instructions before powering up the inverter for the first time.
In the All in One Application Manual you will find information about the different applications
included in the All in One Application Package. Should these applications not meet the requirements
of your process, please contact the manufacturer for information on special applications.
This manual is available in both paper and electronic editions. We recommend you to use the
electronic version if possible. If you have the electronic version at your disposal, you will be able to
benefit from the following features:
The manual contains several links and cross-references to other locations in the manual, which
makes it easier to move around in the manual. The reader can thus easily find and check things.
The manual also contains hyperlinks to web pages. To visit these web pages through the links, you
must have an internet browser installed on your computer.