Using Menu During a Call
1. Phone Book
During a call, press “Menu (
)”, “1. Phone Book” and choose “1. Call List”, “2. Search”, “3.
Phone # Store” or “4. My Phone #”. Then you can use Phone book as same as “I. PhoneBook”
on page ___.
In addition, if you want to send your phone number during a call, choose “4. My Phone #” and
press “SEND (
2. Message
During a call, press “Menu (
)”, “2. Message” and choose “1. Inbox”, “2. Outbox”, “3.
Message Box” or “4. Setting”. Then you can use Messages as same as “II. Messages”.
3. Phone Setting
During a call, press “Menu (
)”, “3. Phone Setting” and choose “1. Back Light”, “2. LCD
Contrast”, “3. Auto Answer”, “4. Anykey Answer”, “5. DTMF Length” or “6. Voice Privacy”.
Then you can set your phone as same as “III. Phone Setting”.
4. Sound
During a call, press “Menu (
)”, “4. Sound” and choose “1. Ear Volume”, “2. Mic Volume”,
“3. Key Tone Volume”, “4. Alert Volume”, “5. Mic Mute”, “6. Key Tone Mute” or “7. Alert
Setting”. Then you can set your phone as same as “IV. Sound”.
Note) “2. Mic Volume”, “5. Mic Mute” and “6. Key Tone Mute” can be set only during a call.