EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up remembers the last setng even if you unplug it from a harness. EVchip for
e-Golf/e-Up informs you about the actual setng when you come to the car and open drivers’ door
(with sound噾 as described above).
Video with this procedure is here:
a. Fine-tuning of EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up
It is possible that none of the programs installed would ft your needs. You can easily correct
program to your needs or write an update噾 or switch on or of extra regeneration (default is ON)
with sofware from EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up page:
Please install drivers frst噾 then start the sofware. There is a separate manual for EVchip for e-Golf/
e-Up Manager sofware.
5. Some ways to drive smoothly and extend e-Golf/e-Up range:
•Coast as much as possible. Coasting is the most efcient way to move. With EVchip for e-Golf/e-
Up it is easy to achieve.
•Coast to a stop: Driving quickly and hard braking at lights and stop signs wastes energy噾 as
mechanical braking will be partially involved then. Releasing the accelerator when recognizing the
need to slow down噾 stops the energy supply and start regeneration. It is even better if you can
coast (glide) using EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up coasting option (as described below).
•Accelerate gently噾 but not too slow. EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up will help you to accelerate with much
smoother changes at the dash power meter. Too lazy acceleration may result in forcing EV motor to
work in a less efcient area. Same is for too speedy acceleration. Get up to cruising speed at a
moderate pace.
•Maintain a constant speed: Keep your momentum by coasting without the power (use “gliding”
behaviour of the car by keeping your feet at accelerator pedal a bit so EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up can
detect that you want to coast. The fewer times you have to come to a complete stop噾 the better
your mileage will be.
•Anticipate trafc flow: Watch well ahead and be aware of changing lights that will turn red before
you get there. •Control pressure of tires. Too low pressure impacts the economy a lot.