2. Installaton
Connect EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up plug to an accelerator pedal (unplug factory plug from accelerator
pedal) – connect delivered plugs to pedal and car side.
Please follow this video:
- Connect EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up to its plug. Remember to choose EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up working
mode before installation with an internal programmer (use Phillips screwdriver to open EVchip for
e-Golf/e-Up噾 a programmer is an orange one.
EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up can be lef at cabin silencer that is installed in all cars under the steering
wheel噾 or you can put it in any place噾 tightening it to the surface with included zip ties.
3. Switching EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up on and of with accelerator pedal
To switch EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up of or on噾 please follow this procedure: - the car is of - sit in the
car噾 close door. All doors should be closed噾 including rear ones. - wait 1 minute or more - press the
accelerator pedal to the metal - while keeping the accelerator pushed open drivers’ door. - Wait for
sound – 2 beeps = EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up is on now. 1 long beep – EVchip for e-Golf/e-Up is of