7.1 Power-on Operation
Wear safety protection equipment to prevent electric shock from causing
electric shock injuries.
Use insulated tools to avoid electric shock.
Communication cables and power cables must be laid separately.
Before connecting cables, make sure that the bus-bars at the user end are in
disconnected state.
Pay attention to the polarity of the battery pack.
7 Power On
Assign addresses to battery packs by dialing the dialing keys of the dialing
switch. Please refer to the corresponding relationship between the DIP switch and the
battery pack address.
Please assign the battery pack with CAN communication protocol directly
connected to the user's CAN port to 0, or with RS485 communication protocol
directly connected to the user's RS485 port to 1. The addresses of the remaining
battery packs increase sequentially.
The battery communication cable pins refer to “Table 5-7 RJ 45 Definition”.
1 Power on the charger at the user terminal.
2 Set the lithium battery MCB/Switch to ON (if available).
3 Observe Run/Alarm indicator and judge the battery operating status. If the
RUN indicator of the battery is on and the ALARM indicator is off, indicating that the
battery is working normally. Otherwise indicating the battery is not work, you need
to reconfirm whether the cable is connected well.