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When the camera power is low the system will not be
stable, you may observe abnormal screen displays or
automatic camera reboot. Change your batteries.
12. Camera fails to detect motion.
Ensure batteries test full; replace batteries if necessary
Ensure SD card is NOT locked and compatible with
camera; take test pictures in ‘Live Preview’ mode.
Ensure ‘Quiet Time’ is set correctly
Ensure camera is mounted correctly. Note: hot
weather, humidity, and rain will reduce PIR sensing
distance; move camera closer if required.
Typically mounting the camera at a height of 3-4 feet
will maximize detection distance, this will depend
slightly on the size of game you are trying to observe.
Camera may be angled up too high or too low thereby
allowing subjects to walk under or over the PIR motion
detection window; adjust camera position and try again.
13. Images are blurry (stills or motion)
UWAY offers some of the best picture quality. Although
we try to cover every scenario, it is important to realize
that different environments and conditions will affect the
picture quality.
Blurry still images may result from interference with
focal points; for example distance from camera, trees,
brush, may affect focus point.
Fog, condensation, water drops, snow, dust, direct
sunlight, etc can all reduce picture quality.
Motion blur may result when object moves too quickly.
Blur will be compounded during night and low light
situations. The UWAY camera has been finely tuned to
maximize picture quality while balancing other