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Copyright UV Partners, Inc. All rights reserved. UV Angel® and
UV Angel Air® are registered trademarks of UV Partners, Inc.
1. With no interaction UV Angel Adapt will treat the surface every hour. The indicator is BLUE during treatment and
GREEN between treatments.
2. When UV Angel Adapt detects an interaction with the monitored surface the indicator changes from GREEN to
3. Once interaction ceases, UV Angel Adapt will start a treatment cycle turning the UV-C lamp on and change the
indicator from RED to BLUE.
4. When the treatment is completed the indicator light will change to and remain GREEN until the next interaction.
UV-C light hazard during treatment. Avoid looking directly at light.
User interaction is detected by motion, vibration and orientation sensors.
Interaction detection turns off treatment.
Lamp Life
UV Angel Adapt keeps track of the treatment lamp 30,000 hour affective life.
The indicator will flash purple for 30 seconds upon the start of treatment when 5% life remains.
The indicator will flash purple continuously when the lamp is expired and must be serviced at a UV Angel
authorized service center.
Lamp life varies based on usage and treatment time.
Treatment times vary based on the application.
How it Works
UV Angel Adapt treats monitored surfaces with a low-dose UV-C light treating pathogens around the clock.
Status Indicator