Raspberry Pi Compute Module (with Development Kit)
The Raspberry Pi compute module is supposed to be inserted into another product
and it doesn’t have any USB port on its board. However if you are developing a
product that uses Raspberry Pi compute module, you should also have a
development kit, which allows you to plug the compute module on a development
board and access the USB port on it.
Although it might not be a common situation, if you need more than one USB port
from the development board, this USB hub can still help. The mounting holes on the
development board are different than those on other Raspberry Pi models, so you
could not (firmly) mount the USB hub over or under it. But still you can use the USB
hub once you connect it to the board.
The development board supports back-powering via the host USB port, so you can
just put the jumper to “power link” position and connect power supply to the USB hub.