5. The configuration pages.
The configuration pages is at config.htm.
5.1 Config main
At config main you configure:
IP address, http port, telnet port, title on the user pages, basic/digest authorization, time to reserve the
box for a single user. The MAC address is also showed.
IP address, port number and title.
The IP address is written in common way with dots
You can also change port number if you want other
port numbers than 80 for http and 23 for Telnet.
After changing IP address/port you have of course
to contact the box at the new IP address/port.
As title you can write text that you like to have at
the top of the user pages. In front of this text the
user name will be placed followed by @.
Without title the username will not be showed.
You can configure a title with a blank only to get
the username only at the top the pages.
By setting the IP address to the IP-address is
allocated by RARP. With BOOTP are used.
With both RARP and BOOT is tried.
You can configure access rights also for not logged
in at the "access rights" web page.
One user at a time.
By writing a time (greater than 0) at "lock time" you
prevent access from more than one user at a time.
The box is reserved for the user only for the
specified time after his last access.
Admin has higher priority and can always access
the box, this might lock a present user out.
The configuration is saved by clicking "apply
changes".Admin har dock högre prioritet och
kommer alltid åt boxen och kan därigenom även
spärra ut aktuell användare .
When you have made your chioces then click
"apply changes" to save them.