16. Bypass paper width switch
(BYPPSW) ................................................... Detects the width of paper on the bypass tray.
17. Drawer feed switch* (DFSW) ....................... Detects a paper misfeed in the lower drawer.
18. Scanner home position switch
(SHPSW) ..................................................... Detects the optical system in the home position.
19. Original detection switch (ODSW) ................ Operates the original size detection sensor.
20. Original size detection sensor***
(OSDS) ........................................................ Detects the size of the original.
21. Registration switch (RSW) ........................... Controls the secondary paper feed start timing.
22. Eject switch (ESW) ....................................... Detects a paper misfeed in the fixing section.
23. Toner sensor (TNS) ...................................... Detects the toner density in the developing section.
24. Waste toner detection switch (WTDSW) ...... Detects the presence of the waste toner tank.
25. Humidity sensor (HUMSENS) ...................... Detects absolute humidity.
26. Fixing unit thermistor (FTH) ......................... Detects the heat roller temperature.
*Optional for the 15 cpm copier/standard for the 20 cpm copier.
**For the 20 cpm copier only.
***Optional for 220-240 V specifications of the 20 cpm copier.