2. Menu & Icon
1. File
① New Project :
to start a new project file. (Ctrl + N)
② Open Project :
to open a saved project. (Ctrl + O)
③ Close Project :
to close the current project. (Ctrl + F4)
④ Save Project :
to save the current project. (Ctrl + S)
⑤ Save Project As :
to save the current project in another file name.
⑥ Download to Controller :
to send the project to UX3500. (Ctrl + D)
⑦ Exit :
to end PC Editor.
2. Add
① Activity :
to add a new Activity to the project. (Alt + A)
② Page :
to add a new Page to the Activity. (Alt + G)
③ Button :
to add basic Buttons to the screen during screen setup. (Alt + B)
④ Panel :
to add basic Panels to the screen during screen setup. (Alt + P)
⑤ Text :
to add a window for text entry to the screen during screen setup .
(Alt + T)
⑥ System – IR Icon :
to add the IR Icon.
The IR icon will only appear when the terminal sends control commands.
⑦ System – Text Field :
to add a Text Field.
Text Field informs you automatically of name of each page.
⑧ System – Battery :
to add the Battery icon that indicates the battery level.
⑨ System – Time :
to add the Clock.
⑩ System – Date :
to add the Date.
⑪ System – Page Number :
to indicate the number of each page.
⑫ System – Setup Button :
to add the Setup Icon.
The Icon will move you to the screen where you can set basic functions for the terminal.
※ System items are better setup in the System Page, without the risk of
duplication in other pages.
3. Edit
① Cut :
to cut off the selected item. (Ctrl + X)
② Copy :
to copy the selected item. (Ctrl + C)
③ Paste :
to paste the cut or copied item. (Ctrl + V)
④ Delete :
to delete the selected item. (Del)