January 15, 2001
4. Retract boom to ensure telescope cylinder is
fully retracted (bottomed).
Note: Open wedge socket may need to be removed to
unreeve cable from around lower boom nose sheave
wheels in next step if crane is configured for 3 or 4-
part line. If socket is removed it will need to be
reinstalled to help lower hoist out of way as in the
following steps.
5. With boom still in lowered position, remove
headache ball/hook block assembly from hoist
cable and unreeve cable from boom nose
sheaves. Also remove upper and lower hoist
cable retaining pins from boom head.
6. Using all applicable safety precautions, operate
the hoist and retract cable onto drum until cable
socket on the end of cable is up over the boom
nose and next to cable socket attach lug on top
of base boom.
7. Using cable socket, pin hoist cable to cable
socket attach lug on top of base boom and re-
move any excess slack in hoist cable.
8. Using all applicable safety precautions, operate
crane and move the boom to the horizontal
9. Remove upper two bolts on the hoist mount that
go through the side plates of base boom.
10. Using all safety precautions start crane and
operate hoist lower lever and gradually lower
hoist till it comes to rest on the turntable.
11. With hoist in resting position, operate hoist to
allow slack in hoist cable to move cable to side
out of way.
12. Shut down crane.
13. Reverse process to reinstall the hoist for opera-
Extend/Retract Cable Adjustment Procedure
IMPORTANT: If locking nuts bottom out on
threaded cable adjustment ends on both the extend
and retract cables (no threads remain before
adjustment dimension or torque can be obtained)
cables are stretched and require replacement.
Always replace cables for each boom section in sets,
i.e. all fly and outer-mid section extend cables or all
fly and outer-mid section retract cables.
It is acceptable to cut one inch off of cable adjust-
ment stud with an abrasive cutting saw if extend
cable stud interferes with hoist mounting plate.
Note: Do not torque retract cable ends on boom
nose end of base boom. Torque only extend cables
on hoist end of base boom).
The boom has six extend cables and four retract
cables. Two extend cables extend the fly section and
four extend cables extend the outer-mid section. The
outer-mid and fly sections each use two retract
1. Lay back hoist. Refer to procedure earlier in
this section.
2. Adjust outer-mid retract cables so lube port
holes at pedestal end of the boom line up with
grease fittings and all slack is removed from
3. Adjust outer-mid extend cables to remove all
Lube Ports and Alignment Holes
Figure 4-7. Hoist Layback