Metered Controls
– Setting the Regeneration Schedule –
When adjusting the softener settings, it is a good idea to write down the settings you used to determine the adjustment so
you have that information in the future. You will need to know the size of your unit and the level of your hardness in GPG
(Grains per Gallon). If you have iron that you want to remove with the softener, you will need the iron reading expressed
in ppm/mg/L (parts per million/milligrams per liter) and multiply that by 4. Add that figure to your hardness level (GPG)
and t
hat will give you a “compensated hardness level”.
Your hardness is 25 GPG and your iron reading is 1.5 ppm. The formula is as follows;
1.5 ppm of iron * 4 = 6. Iron is 4 times harder to remove than hardness.
6 + 20 GPG = 26 GPG of compensated hardness.
Use the following formula to determine the capacity setting;
System Capacity (size in Grains)/Hardness level (GPG) or compensated hardness = Gallons between regeneration.
Always add 5 GPG to the hardness level for an added cushion to ensure the system will regenerate prior to the actual
determined set point.