Automatic Hard Water Bypass During Regeneration
The regeneration cycle can last 30 to 180 minutes, after which soft water service will be re-
stored. During regeneration, hard water is automatically bypassed for use in the household.
Hot water should be used as little as possible during this time to prevent hard water from fill-
ing the water heater. This is why automatic regeneration is set for sometime during the night
and manual regenerations should be performed when little or no water will be used in the
household. Normal regeneration time is 2:00 AM.
New Sounds
You may notice new sounds as your water softener operates. The regeneration cycle lasts
up to 180 minutes. During this time, you may hear water running intermittently to the drain.
When the system capacity is near exhausted, a regeneration is necessary to restore the
system to full capacity. The table below explains the regeneration steps.
Precision Brining Regeneration Process
System Configuration
Step Name
Brine Making
A precise calculated amount of fresh water is added to the brine tank to
make enough brine to regenerate only the exhausted portion of the ion
exchange resin. Note: 70% of the required fresh water is added in Step
#5 in the previous regeneration. The default brine making time is 30
The brine solution is introduced slowly to the bottom of the tank flowing
up through the ion exchange resin pushing the hardness out to drain and
restoring system capacity.
Back Wash
Fresh water is introduced to the bottom of the tank flowing upwards ex-
panding the ion exchange resin to rinse out any dirt or small particles to
the drain and to un-compact the bed to restore full service flow rates.
Fresh water is introduced from the top of the tank down flowing down
through the ion exchange resin rinsing any excess brine solution out to
the drain.
A fixed amount of soft water is added to the salt tank to prepare and in-
sure fully saturated brine for the next regeneration. Note: Step #1 will
"top off" the amount of water needed based on the percentage of ex-
hausted resin to be regenerated.
FUSION NLT UPFLOW System Configuration
Tank Size (Diameter) Injector Set
Brine Line Flow
Control (BLFC)
Drain Line Flow
Control (DLFC)
#0000 Black
0.20 GPM
#1 (1.5 GPM)
#2 (2.0 GPM)
#3 (2.4 GPM)
#00 Purple
#5 (3.5 GPM)
#0 Red
#6 (4.0 GPM)