Aquatrol Control Valve Programming Instructions
1 1 : 3 0
S E T - 2 T Y P E
Default setting is “Timer”
This mode will
Not show water
capacity options.
Press Up or Down buttons
to change the mode to
Timer. (It should be the
default setting)
Press the Settings Button
to accept and continue.
Second Step - Setting the Regeneration Mode
Choose Between Time, Meter Immediate or Meter Delayed
Meter immediately
Meter Delay
1 1 : 3 0
T y p e - T
1 1 : 3 0
T y p e - m
1 1 : 3 0
T y p e - T M
Time Clock Delayed Control
A Time Clock Delayed Control regenerates the system on a timed interval. The control will
initiate a regeneration cycle at the programmed regeneration time when the number of days since the last regeneration
equals the regeneration day override value. The interval time can be programmed in a 24 hours base (1 day). Example, 24, 48,
72, 96, and so on. Or each 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours if your need is less than 24 hours.