3. Organizer
SITRONICS mobile calculator helps you to perform basic calculation work.
Follow the procedures below to use the calculator.
1. In stand-by state, press menu Key to display main menu option.
2. Use the direction Key to select Organizer menu then press select.
3. Select Calculator on Organizer menu and press select Key.
- Use number keys to input numbers desired.
- Use # key to display a decimal point.
- Use * key to make a negative number.
- After desired number is input, press up/down Navigation key to input
the signs of +, -, x and ÷.
- Input the first number and then the second number to calculate.
- Te get the result of the calculation, press left select Key.
- You can use the acquired result to apply to other calculation with
up/down navigation key Keys. This calculator does not support
simultaneous multi-calculation. You should divide the object into
several in such a case and then perform each calculation in due
consideration of calculation priority.
Press right select Key to return to previous screen.