Adaptable Shower Commode (M83647)
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1. Insert the backrest in to the
receivers on the chair base
(see photo)
2. Secure by installing the
backrest knobs (arrowed).
Install by screwing the knobs
in clockwise.
Attach the footrest by placing
the top bracket in to the
receiver tube at the top of the
frame, ensuring the footrest is
swung back.
Swing the footrest towards
the front of the chair until it
locks in position.
Repeat for the other footrest
and adjust the footplate
height and angle if required
(see instructions)
4. Locate the seat by sliding the back of the seat in to the frame. Then
press down on the whole of the seat until secure. Add the potty and
aperture cover if required (see instructions).
5. If required, install the castors. Follow the procedure on adjusting the
castors for installation and adjustment procedures.