with Maintenance Information
Check the Hydraulic Oil Level
Maintaining the hydraulic oil at the proper level
is essential to machine operation. Improper
hydraulic oil levels can damage hydraulic
components. Daily checks allow the inspector to
identify changes in oil level that might indicate
the presence of hydraulic system problems.
Perform this procedure with the
platform in the stowed position
The hydraulic oil level can be checked by
removing the filler cap fitted to the hydraulic oil
tank. The correct amount of oil is in the tank
when hydraulic fluid appears on the tip of the
dipstick. This check must be carried out with the
platform is in the level surface.
The hydraulic oil can be topped up by adding oil
to the filler located. Take care not to spill
hydraulic fluid over any of the surrounding
machine components.
The hydraulic oil can be drained by removing
the tank by removing the bolts and separating
the tank from the pump body. The hydraulic
fluid can then be correctly disposed of.
Re-assembly is the reverse of above.
Hydraulic oil specifications
The hydraulic oil recommended for use with this
machine is: Mineral basis hydraulic oil with
lubricating, antifoaming, anti-corrosive,
antioxidant HL - HLP (ISO and UNI HM) – HV -
HLPD performances according to DIN51524
part 1 2 standards.
-5 10W
99 10W