Uponor Combi Port BASE XU l Installation manual l 23
Occupant information
Important information about these instruc-
These user instructions contain important information for the
occupant on the operation of the system with a heat interface unit.
Following these instructions will help avoid hazards and downtime
and increase the reliability and life of the heat interface unit. To
ensure the correct and safe operation of the heat interface unit,
you must read and follow the user information.
Document retention
You should keep this information and all other applicable documents
in a safe place, so that they are always available. Make sure to hand
over all the documents to the next occupants of the apartment.
Commissioning and installation
The installation and commissioning of the heat interface unit may
only be installed and commissioned by a
specialist installation
After commissioning, the heat interface unit operates automatically.
Function and energy savings
The heat interface unit is a compact station and can be operated in a
system with several units or as a supplement to an existing heating
system. The heat interface unit is assigned to a residential unit and is
used to measure and control central heating and hydronic heating.
The heat interface unit combines:
(water heating is controlled without auxiliary energy),
• the metering of the energy consumption for central heating
and hot water and, as an option, the amount of cold water,
• the option of controlling an apartment heating system.
Hot water is only prepared as needed. Service water is not stored.
This is one of the most convenient ways to heat fresh water. This
enables you to dispense unlimited amounts of hot water. Restrictions
are only imposed by the central heating.
The heating lines or heat exchangers are permanently maintained
at a basic temperature, usually 45°C.
this temperature should not be increased.
Hydronic heating
The cold water supply for the apartment is provided via the central
house connection and distribution line as far as your apartment.
water (
apartment distribution line (optional).
If you intend to be away for more than 72 hours, we recommend
) and depressurising the lines by
opening a tap and closing it once all the water in the pipe has run out.
All ball valves should be turned at regular intervals (about once a
month). In other words they should be closed and re-opened.
The ball valve of the apartment distribution system (cold water (
(optional) and hot water (
)) is only to be closed for assembly purposes!
Water hygiene
which is the most hygienic method of water heating, you should
for several days and no water has been taken from the system (e.g.
when returning from holidays). You should let the water run for one or
two minutes. The water must be allowed to run for about 1-2 minutes
at least every 7 days.
The pipes of the apartment heating system usually come from your
pipes of each apartment in the heat interface unit. It is possible to run
by the way you choose to use the heating system.