About the vacation calendar
You can use the vacation calendar to run your system on Setback setpoints to conserve
energy when you are away from home. For example, if you will be away from home on
vacation for a week, you can add those dates in the vacation calendar, to use Setback
setpoints. No schedules are used when your system is on a vacation day.
You can add individual dates, a range of dates, recurring dates, and recurring weeks and days to the calendar, or
you can set the Climate Cŏntrol™ Network System to ignore the calendar and revert to using the regular schedules.
: Generally, Setback setpoints are set to lower temperatures and settings to conserve energy. However, if your
Climate Cŏntrol™ Network System is installed in a vacation property that is usually unoccupied, you can add dates
to the vacation calendar for days that the property will be occupied. You would also need to set the Normal
setpoints to lower temperatures, and the Setback setpoints to more comfortable temperatures.
It is recommended that you check the system date before you update the vacation calendar. See