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High-density and high-performance alkaline batteries
Rechargeable alkaline batteries
Rechargeable NiMH batteries
There are 6 battery slots. Slot1 and Slot2 form one group and is
marked as “1”, slot3 and slot4 form the other group and is marked as “2”,
while slot 5 and slot6 form the third group and is marked as “3”. Single
“group” of batteries is needed to supply power to the camera, but two
groups together can support camera for a longer life.
Fig 4
4 Purchasing your SIM card
The camera is designed by using 2G cellular network send photos to
any phone or email address instantly once the photo is taken.
Be sure that the PIN Code of your SIM card is disabled before
inserting the SIM card. (You can disable the PIN of a SIM card via your
mobile phone. Then reinsert the card into your camera)