Mount Verification
Verify the mount after you finish. Improper mount may cause personal
injury and device damage.
Before you start up the device, check that:
The device is stabilized with all screws fastened.
No object is placed on the device.
The power meets specifications.
All cables including the grounding wire are connected properly.
Starting the Device
Connect the device to power and start the device. Refer to
Table 1-1
verify that the device is operating properly.
Login to the Web Interface
Log in to the Web interface to manage the device from a remote site.
Before login, check that:
The device is operating properly and connected to the client PC
through network.
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) is installed on the client PC. The
following IE versions are acceptable: 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10, and 11.
Proxy server is not enabled in the IE.