36 von 112
Stand 20.4.2020
Basic recipe chocolate ice cream
1 bar each of plain and milk chocolate,
600 ml cream, 140 ml milk, 1 egg
Heat chocolate with milk and cream
and cool for about 24 hours in the re-
frigerator. Then add the egg and pre-
pare ice cream in the ice cream maker.
Quick chocolate ice
ml chocolate syrup, 2 eggs,
300 ml cream, 300 ml milk
Mix all ingredients and prepare ice
cream in the ice cream maker.
Mocha ice cream
Prepare vanilla ice cream according to
the basic recipe, but add 2-3 tblsp of
granulated mocha or espresso powder
to the hot milk. At the end of freezing
add 1-2 tblsp of coffee liqueur.
Walnut ice cream
Caramelize 75 g of sugar in a pan, add
75 g of chopped walnuts and mix it
with the caramel. Let the caramel cool
down on an oiled plate. Prepare va-
nilla ice cream according to the basic
recipe, add the chopped caramelized
walnuts at the end of the freezing pro-
cess. TIPP: Replace walnuts by pump-
kin seeds and season the ice cream
with 1 tsp of pumpkin seed oil.
Amaretto ice cream
Prepare vanilla ice cream according to
the basic recipe. Add the crumbs of
250 g amaretti (almond macaroons)
with 2-3 tblsp of amaretto liqueur at
the end of the freezing process.
Fruit ice cream consists mainly of mashed fruits with sugar, cream or yoghurt
and evtl. some eggwhite. To have a smooth fruit ice cream, it has to be stirred
during freezing, which is achieved best in a ice cream maker.
Basic recipe
550 g mashed fruits, 2 tblsp lemon
juice, 125-150 g sugar, 2 tblsp egg-
white, 250 ml cream
Mix mashed fruits with sugar and lem-
on juice. Beat eggwhite and cream and
add it the mashed fruits. Mix all in-
gredients and prepare ice cream in the
ice cream maker.
If canned fruits are used, it might not
be necessary to add additional sugar.
Basic recipe strawberry ice cream
500 g strawberries, 3-4 tblsp sugar,
350 ml sweet cream, 50 ml milk
Mix the mashed strawberries with all
ingredients and prepare ice cream in
the ice cream maker.
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