Bluetooth Wireless Home-Networking System
3). Options
After the item, Options, is clicked, an Options dialog window will be shown, which
includes three parts:
Change Access Passkey
NAP Settings
Automatic Start
Advanced Settings
, as shown in
Figure 18
Figure 18
Change Access Passkey:
a. Change the default Passkey from “root” to your preference:
If you choose to use fixed passkey, you can set and change the passkey. The clients who
want to connect to you must know the passkey.
b. Select to use fixed key to authorize clients’ connecting requests automatically:
If you chose to use fixed passkey, login dialog window will only pop up in clients’ computer.
erver computer will authorize clients’ connecting requests automatically by system
according to the fixed passkey you set.
NAP Settings:
You can select a network adapter and enable NAP to make the computer act
as a Network Access Point in BlueNetwork. It is a must that the computer has a real Ethernet
network adapter and has connected to a LAN. Then other computers connected to the
BlueNetwork ( we call them PAN Users ) can access LAN through the NAP. About the
detailed information of NAP configuration, please refer to
Chapter 6
Automatically start PAN after boot the system:
When choose this function, the program
will automatically start Pan, When you start your computer.