SECTION 2: Auto-Search Method
The Auto-Search Method is a way you can scan through all the
codes in the table to find the right code for your component.
: Using your old remote, turn on the component you want
to program with the GAMER... let’s say your TV.
Now, press down on the component button, in this case the
button that says TV, and the SELECT (SEL) button at the same time.
Hold them both down for 3 seconds until the TV component button
LED light turns on.
If you don’t press a button within 20 seconds, the
LED light will turn off and exit the set-up mode and you will need
to start over.
Press and release the UP ARROW button. Please note,
each time the Up Arrow is pressed, the code will count up one code
number and send a Power OFF signal. When the correct code is sent
out, the component will turn off.