FM and Infrared Systems
Some FM systems consist of a teleloop worn around
the neck, which is connected to the FM receiver worn
on a belt or in a shirt pocket. To listen through the FM
system, select the Telecoil program and turn on the
FM receiver. To keep the signal clear, you may need to
adjust the volume control on your hearing instruments
as well as on the FM receiver. With some infrared
systems you may need to remove your hearing
instruments and wear the system’s headset receiver.
If the volume on the infrared receiver is not loud
enough, use your hearing instruments instead.
MicroLink™ MLx Receiver Module
Ziel+ BTEs are compatible with Phonak’s MicroLink™
Receiver Module, a wireless FM system that improves
listening over distance. The MLx FM receiver module
connects to the optional direct audio input system
and is powered by the hearing instrument battery.