Operating instructions
Your hearing aids come with a push button that
allows you to further adjust them.
Push button - program control
Your hearing aids are equipped with
a push button which can be used to
switch between programs. Each time
you push the button, you will move to a new
hearing aid program.
Your hearing aids beep to indicate which
program you are in.
Program 1 (e.g. AutoMic)
1 beep
Program 2 (e.g. speech in noise)
2 beeps
Program 3 (e.g. telephone)
3 beeps
Program 4 (e.g. music)
4 beeps
Please see the front of this booklet for a listing
of your personalized programs.
Using the telephone
As telephones do not all work the same, you
may experience different results from different
phones. You can use many phones by simply
holding the receiver to your ear, without the
need to change to a dedicated telephone
program on your hearing aid. You may need to
move the handset slightly up or back to find the
position that sounds best to you.
Depending on the phone type you use, your
hearing healthcare professional might have
selected a dedicated phone program on your
hearing aids.