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MS925HC User’s Manual
4.11.2 Numeric Key
Numeric Key
Alphanumeric Key*
1. By default, the alphanumeric key is used for transmitting
digits. Scan NUMERIC KEY if you want to use the keys on
the numeric keypad.
2. If you select NUMERIC KEY, the Num Lock status of the
physical keyboard should be ON.
4.11.3 HT/CR/ESC converts to
HT/CR/ESC converts to TAB/ENTER/ESCAPE enable
HT/CR/ESC converts to TAB/ENTER/ESCAPE Disable*
1. By default, HT [$I], CR [$M] and ESC [%A] is transmitted as
<0x09>, <0x0D> and <0x1B> respectively.
2. When enabled, HT [$I], CR [$M] and ESC [%A] is transmitted as
<TAB>, <ENTER> and <ESCAPE> on keyboard respectively.