Installation Manual 801.1
SunFrame™ Code-Compliant Planning and Assembly
Follow the six steps below to install SunFrame in com pli ance
with the UBC 1997. Before proceeding, note the following:
• This bulletin addresses only wind loads. Wind gener-
ally produces the max i mum load factor af fect ing an
installation—however, verify that other local condi-
tions, such as snow loads and earth quake effects, do
not exceed the wind loads. If any loading type does
exceed wind loads, give precedence to that factor and
consult a local professional engineer or your local
building authority.
• The roof on which the SolarMount will be installed
must be capable of withstanding the design dead load
and design live load per footing, listed in Table 2 on
page 7.
1. Determine basic wind speed at your in stal la tion site.
For the United States, see the UBC chart, “Minimum Basic
Wind Speeds in Miles per Hour,” reproduced below.
If you need clarifi cations or further assistance or if your instal-
lation is outside the United States, consult a local professional
engineer or your local building authority.
Figure 2.
Minimum Basic Wind Speeds. Reproduced from UBC 1997, Vol. 2, Structural Engineering Design Provisions,
Chap. 16, Div. III, Wind Design, Fig. 16.1, “Min i mum Basic Wind Speeds in Miles per Hour,” p. 36. The 2001 California
Building code refers to the same map.
2. Determine exposure category of your in stal la tion site.
The UBC* defi nes wind exposure categories as follows:
exposure b
has terrain with buildings, forests or
surface irregularities, covering at least 20 percent of the
ground level area extending 1 mile (1.61 km) or more
from the site.
exposure c
has terrain that is fl at and gen er al ly open
extending ½ mile (0.81 km) or more from the site in any
exposure d
represents the most severe exposure in
areas with basic wind speeds of 80 miles per hour (mph)
(129 km/h) or greater and has terrain that is fl at and
un ob struct ed facing large bodies of water over 1 mile
(1.61 km) in width relative to any quadrant of the build-
ing site. Exposure D extends inland from the shoreline ¼
mile (0.40 km) or 10 times the building height, which-
ever is greater.
Planning code-compliant SunFrame installations
* UBC 1997, Vol. 2, Structural Engineering Design Provisions, Chapter
16, Div. III, Wind Design, p. 7. The 2001 California Building Code uses
the same defi nitions.