Alignments and Adjustments
Oven Burner Air Shutter Adjustment
The oven burner flame should be a clean, blue flame with distinct inner cones. A soft,
lazy flame with indistinct cones means too much gas or not enough air. A noisy lifting
flame indicates too much air. If adjustments are necessary, you must first loosen the lock
screw located at the top of the air shutter at the back of the burner tube, then rotate the
air shutter to the correct setting, and retighten screw.
Oven burner flame can be checked as follows (without flame spreader in place):
To correct a yellow flame - Increase size of air shutter opening.
To correct a lifting, but distinct, blue flame - Decrease size of air shutter opening.
The air shutter should be set approximately 2/3 open for natural gas, and approximately
full open on LP gas.
Heat the oven to the desired temperature before placing the food in the oven. Preheat for
10 to 12 minutes.
Opening Oven Door
Let hot air or steam escape before removing or replacing food.
Arranging Oven Racks
The oven racks should be arranged before the oven is turned "ON." Place the racks so
the food is centered in the oven.
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