5.6 Asynchronous Capture with Pre-Sweep (PS)
Mode switch setting: NS or DS, NR, PS, AM
Shutter speed dial setting: 1 to E
5.7 Asynchronous Capture with Pulse Width Control
Mode switch setting: NS or DS, NR, NP, AM
Shutter speed dial setting: F
5.8 Asynchronous Capture with Pre-Sweep (PS) and Pulse Width Control
Mode switch setting: NS or DS, NR, PS, AM
Shutter speed dial setting: F
5.9 Asynchronous Capture with Readout Inhibit (RI)
Mode switch setting: NS or DS, RI, NP, AM
Shutter speed dial setting: 1 to E
5.10 Asynchronous Capture with Readout Inhibit and Pre-Sweep
Mode switch setting: NS or DS, RI, PS, AM
Shutter speed dial setting: 1 to E