Some basic settings are in the setup menu.
From this menu, you can change the following:
Time and date
Display contrast
Current language
Power-off time
LED feedback
When you are finished you can return to the main menu by pressing the left arrow button.
All settings are stored and will not be cleared if you remove the batteries.
UniStop includes a real-time clock running even when UniStop
is off.
You can set the clock in two ways.
The easiest way is to connect UniStop to the PC software called
PC Watch. Every time you connect UniStop to the PC using the
USB cable, the clock will be synchronized with the clock in the
PC. That way you always update the clock UniStop to keep it
The other way is to use the clock setup screen shown on the picture. You simply move around
the screen with the left and right arrows and adjust the corresponding number with the up and
down arrow. The selected number is shown with bold digits. To set the clock, press the OK
button and to cancel the changes, press the MENU button.
The 24H and 12H mode will change between the European 24 hour clock and the typical
American mode with am and pm. The order of date and month is also reversed.
When you are adjusting the values, you can press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons and the
adjustment will accelerate.
The contrast of the display is the light difference between the
dots that are turned on and dots that are turned off.
You can manually adjust the contrast setting by selecting
“CONTRAST:” and press OK. Then use the arrow up and down
buttons to adjust the setting. You can change between –6 and
+6. You will see the contrast change at the same time. When
the contrast is what you like, press OK again to go back to the
setup menu.
UNIPRO – The original Laptimer