UniGuard Technology Limited
Shenzhen, Guangdong, china.
5.17. Track mode
Send SMS “password” to the unit, and it will reply “tracker ok!” and switch to “track” mode.
The default mode is “track
5.18. Monitor
Send SMS “password” to the unit, and it will reply “monitor ok!” , Show that switch to “monitor”
mode. Call the device again, you can monitor.
Send SMS “call+password” to the unit, and it will reply “call ok!”. Call the device again, the device will
have ringtones notification, press answer button of the device, can talk now.
Send SMS “speak+password” to the unit, and it will reply “speak ok!”. Call the device again, it will pick
up automatically without pressing any button of the device, can speak now.
5.21.1 Auto storage
When the tracker devices lost GSM signals or fall offline from GPRS, tracker will store the tracking
position and alerts automatically in the flash upon the pre-set condition, when GSM signals get back,
all the event alerts will be auto-sent to the authorized numbers or monitoring platform (server), but the
stored tracking data should be loaded to the monitoring platform via SMS command.
.2 Storage upon times: Send SMS: “save0password” to the tracker unit, it will reply
“save ok”, and will store the lat, long locations every 30 seconds for 5 times. (S: second, m: minute; h:
5.21.3 Unlimited storage
Send sms:”save030s***n+ password” to tracker device, it will reply “save
.4: Storage Clearance: Send SMS: “clear+ password” to tracker device, it will reply “clear ok”.
5.21.5: Storage Volume: store about 16,000 positions, and can be copied to computer by USB data