HDMI Reference Sink
Link Tab
Link tab contains four panels: HPD, Link Status, FRL Control and Timing.
Indicator lights of the state of the cable.
indicates that the hardware has detected an
upstream cable.
indicates that the HPD signal is Asserted (logical “high”).
Clicking the
button will cause HPD line to be set to logical “low” (de-asserted)
and hence no HPD pulse can be generated. Click the
to re-activate the HPD line (set
to logical “high”).
Link Status
Link Status displays the status of the link training and the link parameters negotiated
between UCD-422 Sink and the Upstream Source. The status is updated automatically.
LT Status:
Status of the FRL Link Training State (only in FRL mode)
FRL Mode:
Lane count and link rate configuration used in FRL mode (only in FRL mode)
TMDS Bit Clock Ratio:
TMDS Bit Period / TMDS Clock Period ratio (1/10 or 1/40) (only
in TMDS mode)
TMDS Data 0/1/2:
Indication of data flow in TMDS links 0 to 2 (only in TMDS mode)
FRL Lock 0/1/2/3:
Indication of FRL Character Lock in links 0 to 3 (only in FRL mode)
FRL Data 0/1/2/3:
Indication of data flow in FRL links 0 to 3 (only in FRL mode)
FFE Level:
Status of Feed Forward Equalizer Level that HDMI transmitter is using (only in
FRL mode)
FLT Update:
Status of the HDMI sink’s FLT_update bit (1/0) (only in FRL mode)
FLT No Retrain Bit:
Status of HDMI Sink’s FLT_no_retrain bit (1/0) (only in FRL mode)
FLR Error Counts:
Contents of the SCDSC Error counter registers.