A31003-S2030-M100-11-76A9, 01/2015
OpenStage SIP V3R3 for OpenScape Voice, Administration Manual
Fault Trace Configuration
Error tracing and logging can be configured separately for all components, i. e. the services and
applications running on the OpenStage phone. The resulting files can be viewed in the WBM
web pages over the
File size (bytes)
parameter sets the maximum file size. When it is reached, the data is
saved as old file, and a new file is generated. From then on, the trace data is written to the new
file. When the maximum file size is reached again, the data is saved as old file once more,
thereby overwriting the previous old file. The default value is 65536.
Trace timeout (minutes)
determines when to stop tracing. When the timeout is reached,
the trace settings for all components are set to OFF, but ERROR and STATUS messages are
still written to the trace file ad infinitum. When the trace file has reached its maximum size, the
data is saved, and a new file is created (for more information, see
File size (bytes)
above). If
the value is 0, the trace data will be written without time limit.
Automatic clear before start
is checked, the existing trace file will be deleted on pressing
button, and a new, empty trace file will be generated. By default, it is unchecked.
You can read the log files by clicking on the appropriate hyperlinks (the hyperlinks work only if
the file in question has been created). The following logs can be viewed:
Download trace file
The trace data according to the settings specified for the services.
Download old trace file
The trace file is stored in permanent memory. When the file has reached its size limit, it will
be saved as old trace file, and the current exception file is emptied for future messages.
The old trace file can be viewed here.
Download boot file
The system messages of the booting process. These messages are incorparated in the
syslog file (see
Download syslog file
Download saved trace file
Normally, the trace file is saved only in the phone RAM. When the phone restarts in a con-
trolled manner, the trace file will be saved in permanent memory.
Download syslog file
Messages from the phone’s operating system, including error and exception messages.
Download old syslog file
Old messages from the phone’s operating system.
Download saved syslog file
Saved messages from the phone’s operating system.
The absolute maximum file size is 3 000 000 6290000 bytes. However, on Open-
Stage 15/20/40 phones, a maximum size no greater than 1000 000 bytes is recom-
mended due to the amount of available memory.