UIC680 Programmer’s Manual
UDN PM090-C2 Rev. 2.3
Read TK4 data (optional) for command
Protocol Envelope code
Tk4* Data
Protocol Envelope code
Tk* Track Data Included:
SS (Optional)
Track Data
ES (Optional)
LRC (Optional)
The Protocol Envelope code can be <HEADERS>, <BCC> or NONE, it is depended on
which protocol is being used.
Details of the Payment Card Tracks Data
The UIC680 reader running at Self-Arm mode will automatically decode the payment card
data according to the payment application type. For non-supported payment cards, it is
possible to go through the host-polled mode to query the card data.
In general, for the supported payment cards, track 1 and 2 card data will always be present
for a successful reading. Some transactions may request extra information outside track 1
& track 2. The UIC680 has introduced a way to reduce the communication time between
the host and the reader where the particular information can be stored in track 3 or even
track 4. This depends on the card type and its application is described in the following
Track 3 Data Format
The track 3 data of the contactless card is mainly provided for the additional information
required by the payment transactions. It is currently available for the Paypass-Mchip and
Visa cards (qVSDC, MSD) and not for other contactless payment cards. Track 3 data is the
necessary additional information to be used for System Integration.
To simplify the host application process, this data only contains the value field of the Tag
Length Value (TLV) data objects and is expressed in Hex format. The data objects
placement is arranged in fixed sequence and are separated by the field separator ‘=’. The
transaction data object field is empty if the data object is absent in the card. Moreover, the
track 3 data begins with start sentinel and ends with end sentinel.
Track 3 Data Format
Start sentinel Card Type Transaction Result
Transaction Data Object(s)
(card type dependent)
End sentinel
1-byte 2-byte
Each object is separated by the field
separator.(n Bytes)