Drive chain tensioning
After a certain period of operation, the drive chain stretches; therefore it must be checked
frequently and tensioned, if required. It must be checked every 60 hours of operation.
Tensioning is done according to the following procedure (figure 13). First, remove the
protective sheet metal of the PTO shaft (pos. 1). Loosen both bolts (pos. 2) on the drive
housing (pos. 3). Then tighten the nut (pos. 5). Tighten the nut so long that the drive chain is
properly tensioned. Check this by hand – the chain must have a minimum oscillation. Tighten
both bolts (pos. 2) and replace the protective sheet metal of the PTO shaft with bolts (pos.
Wire rope assembly
First, remove the triangular protective net on the winch column. Then rotate the cover (pos.
7, figure 12) and rotate the drum in a position, which enables unscrewing of the bolt on the
drum. Unscrew this bolt in a position, so that the groove on the drum is free. Insert the wire
rope in the guide of the upper pulley and direct it through the upper pulley to the rope
drum. Insert the rope in the groove and tighten the bolt (pos. 8). Then start to wind
according to the procedure, which applies to towing. Once the entire length of the wire
rope is wound, unwind it again and wind it again strongly according to the procedure,
which is described in the chapter “Wire rope unwinding” to prevent damage to the rope.