When the battery only has enough charge for about 30 minutes of talk
time, the headset triggers a low battery alert: you’ll hear a periodic beep.
When the battery no longer has enough charge to operate the headset,
the headset will power off; you won’t be able to turn it back on until you
charge the battery.
Noise or Static on the Headset
The most common cause of noise or static on any wireless device is
interference. Bluetooth devices operate in the ISM band (2.402 GHz ~ 2.480
GHz); any equipment operating in this frequency range might interfere
with the headset. Some common sources of interference in this range are:
Equipment that uses microwaves, especially microwave ovens
Wireless LAN equipment or WiFi connections
Other Bluetooth devices or computers
Certain cordless telephones
Certain medical equipment and appliances
If you have problems with static during calls, look for one of these
interference sources. Try moving away from the suspected source.