When the camera is powered on, the Power LED will start with solid
green, after 10 seconds it switches off. About 15 seconds later, it will
change to fast flash to indicate boot up completed.
LED light status
Device status
Slow speed flash
Camera connected to the internet.
Medium speed
Camera works abnormally, need to reset the camera to fac-
tory default and set up again.
Fast speed flash
Boot up completed/Waiting for Wi-Fi configuration.
Solid light
1. App Cam Spotlight Access Point is ready.
2. Smartphone connected directly to App Cam Spotlight.
Light not flashing 1. No Power.
2. Camera works abnormally, need to reset the camera and
set up again.
Camera Access Point
If you wish to connect to the camera directly with a smartphone, you will
need to press and release “reset” button (solid green light) to activate the
camera Access Point. If the camera was connected to a Wi-Fi network
before, you will need to reconfigure it again.
Reset the Camera
If the camera works abnormally, forgotten password, wrong Wi-Fi pass-
word input or needs a reset, press and release “reset” button (solid green
light). Wait for 30 seconds, then push and hold the “reset” button for 5
seconds. Wait for the light to flash in fast speed, the camera reset to fac
tory default.
* Please note that app screenshots are for reference only� Screenshots taken using
an iPad� User Interface for iPhone and Android Phones might differ in terms of icons
layout and functionality and may change without notice�
As the Uniden App is constantly under development to enrich user experience, the
icons/screens shown in this QSG may vary slightly from the actual app.